Naomi Chan is a multi-discipline artist who was born and raised in Hong Kong. With certain skills in traditional arts, Chan likes to explore alternatives in many different media like installation, electronics, computing and videos.
Naomi WT Chan is a multidisciplinary artist born and raised in Hong Kong. During her undergraduate studies, she received solid technical training in analogue photography, experimental filmmaking, digital art and computer coding, and continues to explore different media in her art projects.
She believes art is a communication way that goes beyond existing texts and spoken languages that deliver some raw thoughts. Besides art making, Chan is a nature lover and yoga teacher. She appreciates yogic life raise the awareness of her existence in present.
Her recent works could be seen in Gutleut 294 in Frankfurt, Akademirimmet in Oslo, Trondheim Art Book Fair and Ars Electronica in Linz.
Naomi Chan 陳浣廷是一位在香港土生土長的多媒體藝術家。憑藉傳統藝術方面的既有技能,她喜歡持續探索不同媒體,如裝置藝術,電子,程式編寫和錄像。
她認為藝術是一種超越現有文本紀錄和語言的交流管道,能寄予一些原始的想法和感悟。 除了藝術創作,陳浣廷還是一位鍾愛自然的瑜伽老師。 她把瑜伽融入生活藝術,提高對當下的覺知。
2019 – 2021 Master of Fine Art
Kunstakademiet i Trondheim, NTNU, Norway
2016 – 2018 MSc. Yoga & Naturopathy
Tamilnadu Physical Education and Sports University, India
2006 – 2009 Bachelor (Hons) of Art in Creative Media
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Major Studies: Critical Intermedia Laboratory
Pervasive, Mobile and Locative Media
Computational Cinema
Visual Ethnography and Creative Intervention
Moving Image Studies
2021 - Utstilling Sommeren 2021, Veiholmen, Smøla
Comma, TKM Gråmølna, Trondheim
Oh Hell Yea Humanity #2, Frankfurt, Germany
2020 - Open Academy Fall 2020, Trondheim
Trondheim Open 2020, Trondheim
Oh Hell Yea Humanity, Akademirommet, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo
In Kepler’s Gardens, Ars Electronica 2020, Linz
Refractions/Diffractions: What is Human in Times of Trouble?, Edvard-Munch-Haus, Wernemünde, Germany
#1 Exhibition Info . #2 OCA Funding . #3 Media
Uncertain States / Scandinavia Issue 12.5 , 2020
Deprivation | 日中盤飧
Art & Common Space, May 2020
A group publication with KIT master programme students
Selected Artist for Residency, 2018
Thangka Painting 2018, Qinghai, China